How To Insert Custom View Into Xml's Linearlayout
So I have a CustomView which is extended from View. And I have a linear layout from XML. The XML named example:
Solution 1:
Your line should read:
gameView = (GameThread) Jembalang.this.findViewById(;
you are passing the id of a layout rather than that of the view you have created.
The rest of your code looks fine
Solution 2:
I don't know what Jembalang
is but I think you should remove that.
gameView = (GameThread) findViewById(;
Solution 3:
You say your layout file is called "example.xml", but you call setContentView(R.layout.cobagabung). Thus, your view is initialized from "cobagabung.xml".
Make sure you use the same identifier for layout file name and setContentView call, like
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