How To Get Device Height And Width At Runtime?
Solution 1:
DisplaymDisplay= activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
finalintwidth= mDisplay.getWidth();
finalintheight= mDisplay.getHeight();
This way you can get the screen size.
Since this API is depricated in the new SDK versions you can use this.
DisplayMetricsdisplayMetrics= context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
intwidth= displayMetrics.widthPixels;
intheight= displayMetrics.heightPixels;
Solution 2:
In a Activity scope do:
intw= dm.widthPixels; // etc...
Solution 3:
In the onCreate of your activity you can do
mScreenWidth = getActivity().getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getWidth();mScreenHeight = getActivity().getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getHeight();
and later use these variables to access device height and width
Solution 4:
this is how you get the available screen dimensions. This will get you not the raw pixel size but the available space of your window/activity.
Also you can have different layout xml files for both landscape and portrait. Put your xml for portrait in res/layout-port. Layout for landscape can be put into res/layout-land. You should read up how android handles resources
Solution 5:
You can get all the display related information using the class Display Metrics
you would require
After this all the required information will be present in your metrics object.
The other option is to call
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