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Google's Android Repository Code Cannot Be Compiled

I downloaded an application (Calendar) from the Android repository. I tried to compile it, but it gave me errors. As a developer, the first RULE about repositories I learned was t

Solution 1:

I think what Justin Jasman is hinting at is that the individual repositories that make up the Android source code aren't designed to be checked out and built by themselves. They’re designed to be built as part of the entire Android source tree, which will pull in dependencies as part of the build process:

AOSP: Downloading and Building

Having said that, you can get some hints about any external dependencies by taking a look at the file. For instance, near the top of that file you’ll see this line:


Which corresponds to a location in the platform/frameworks/ex repository. So if you were to check out that repository:

git clone

And look in the ex/chips/res/drawable folder, you’ll find a couple files that might prove useful:

list_item_font_primary.xml list_item_font_secondary.xml

Copying those files into res/drawable will fix the first two errors you listed.

Similarly, regarding the third error, you'll find the resource for that in the platform/frameworks/opt/datetimepicker repository. Or you could just change the value from @color/white to @android:color/white (


I just noticed some apps in the Android source repos don't have a file. In that case, you can just look at the file, for example (from platform/packages/apps/Mms):

chips_dir := ../../../frameworks/ex/chips/res

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