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Android Tests Are Not Executed

I have created a test project with exact the same code as shown here: I have uploaded the jar file in the android virtual

Solution 1:

As a first step, can you change the name of the test method to match the standard convention used in jUnit 3 i.e. public void testWhatever() { ... } the first 4 letters of the name nust be 'test' in lower case, the signature is public void and the method does not take any parameters.

Similarly, can you change the package name to the more standard lowercase convention e.g. org.example.tests If you file is called (and the class also called Tests) then you should be able to call it as follows:

adb shell uiautomator runtest Tests.jar -c com.example.tests.Tests

If these don't help, please can you revise the question to include the entire code from your file?

Note: I've not tried to reproduce your code at this stage as I'm travelling. I can do so if my suggestions don't unblock your problem(s).

I'll follow up on the uiautomator: permission denied separately. UI Automator tests do run on real devices. They don't need the device to be rooted. I run them on standard Android 4.2.x devices.

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