Android Studio C++ Ndk Library Example
Solution 1:
First of all, here is a sample Android Project plugin you are looking for.
It's very important to know how to do this yourself.
This used to be hard to do before but the latest Android Studio made it easier to now use C/C++ or generate .so library easily. Update Android Studio to the latest version then follow steps below to create a C++ plugin.
1.Create a new Project in Android Studio
2.Check the Include C++ suport to enable C++.
3.On the Dropdown Menu, check C++ 11 on the C++ Standard drop-down menu. You will need C++ 11 to actually use most useful C++ features. Also, enable exception or frtti if you need them.
That's really it.
When you build the plugin:
The debug library is should be at:
The release library is should be at:
If you only see the debug but not the release version of the plugin, check here for how to make it appear.
Possible reasons you are getting DllNotFoundException on Android:
1.You did not wrap the C/C++ function around extern "C"
. You must do this for each function in the .cpp file or you do it in the function in the .h file.
2.You put the plugin in the wrong Unity folder.
The armeabi-v7a and x86 plugins generated at <ProjectDirectory>\app\build\intermediates\cmake\release\obj
should be placed at Assets\Plugins\Android\libs\armeabi-v7a\
and Assets\Plugins\Android\libs\x86\
in the Unity project.
Make sure to spell these correctly. See this for more information about this.
3.You are loading it incorrectly from the C# side.
Let's say that the name of the plugin is libScreenshot.a, do not include the lib prefix, also do not add the .a
when loading it.
[DllImport("Screenshot", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
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