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Android: Reading Wav File And Displaying Its Values

Hi i'm trying to read the data in a wav file so that i can plot it as a waveform. Following is the code that i have tried: try { RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAcces

Solution 1:

This code snippet has the following issues:

1) Using>-1 in the while loop you still read bytes, so this code reads 3 bytes on every iteration.

2) WAV files may be (and very often are) RIFF containers with WAV blocks. Also, it is not guaranteed that values are encoded in integers (I've seen float encoding in WAV). Byte order seems to be ok, but containers' metainformation will be printed also.

I'm not an expert in Java, but running your expression with bytes (-1, -1) gives a value very close to 0.

To check for file termination, check if any of bytes are -1: while ((b1 != -1) && (b2 != -1))

Also, the conversion from int to byte seems to be wrong: byte is signed, so you'll get values from -128 to 127, which is not what you want (0..255).

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