Android Market Publishing: 'android:icon' Attribute: Attribute Is Not A String Value
Solution 1:
I would try to clean the project and build a new apk.
In Eclipse: Click Project > Clean.. > Select your project and click Ok
I don't know why you are putting a style into the android:label attribute in the application tag. As far as I know this should be @string/app_name.
Solution 2:
I had the same problem for another reason.
In fact, I had set some values to null like this
<activityandroid:name=".MyActivity_"android:label="@null"android:launchMode="singleTask"android:screenOrientation="portrait" ></activity>
And I fixed the problem to replace all "@null" to "".
<activityandroid:name=".MyActivity_"android:label=""android:launchMode="singleTask"android:screenOrientation="portrait" ></activity>
The application behavior is the same but in first case, we can publish and in second case, we can't
Solution 3:
use drawable instead mipmap, don't know why.
Solution 4:
Is your application localized in multiple languages? If so, then you need to make sure that you have correctly defined your strings in the default res/strings.xml
Cleaning/restarting eclipse sometimes does the trick too, as mentioned above :)
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