Android Json Parsing With Html Tags
Solution 1:
I used this method to strip the HTML from the JSON responsehtml: How to strip or escape html tags in Android
publicStringstripHtml(String html)
Then retrieved a JSONArray instead of an Object
HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
String data = EntityUtils.toString(entity);
String noHTML = stripHtml(data);
JSONArray jsonArray = newJSONArray(noHTML);
for(int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++)
StopInfo stops = newStopInfo();
JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i); = jsonObject.getString("ID"); = jsonObject.getString("Name"); = jsonObject.getLong("Lat");
stops.lng = jsonObject.getLong("Long");
stops.sms = jsonObject.getString("Sms");
Solution 2:
You would need to extract the JSON component from the HTML page. One way of doing it for this structure would be something like:
// If `html` is the full HTML stringStringjson= html.substring(html.indexOf("["), html.lastIndexOf("]") + 1);
Solution 3:
This is web site fault. Json request isn't in html tags. But you can replace it easily from request string. Or you can parse with Jsoup like that:
Documentdoc= Jsoup.Parse(request);
Stringparsedrequest= doc.text();
Solution 4:
You can execute this as http request to server, Do execute it separate thread(may be a asynctask).
try {
HttpResponserespnse= client.execute(getRquest);
StatusLinestatusLine= respnse.getStatusLine();
StringresponseS= statusLine.getReasonPhrase();
if (statusLine.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
HttpEntityentity= respnse.getEntity();
responseS = out.toString();
out = null;
Response will be your json string. Your response string is JSONArray so
JSONArray js = newJSONArray(jsonString);
Hope it works
Have a look into your Json data using online json parser
Solution 5:
Looks like youre trying to parse the source code for some reason.
Take a look at this link, it'll guide you through properly parsing JSON formatted response.
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