Android Expandable List View Get View Of Group From Child Onclick Listener
i have a expandable list view in my app, each group has a textview say T having dynamic value and each group has a single child within it. I want to refer to that T textview object
Solution 1:
// Listview on child click listener
expListView.setOnChildClickListener(new OnChildClickListener() {
public boolean onChildClick(ExpandableListView parent, View v,
int groupPosition, int childPosition, long id) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
+ " : "
+ listDataChild.get(
childPosition), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
I hope its useful for you.
Solution 2:
Use the getExpandableListAdapter()
on the "parent" and define your custom classes accordingly.
Then modify the values within the custom objects - the ExpandableListView will update automatically.
public boolean onChildClick(ExpandableListView _parent, View _v,
int _groupPosition, int _childPosition, long _id
) {
// do required casts for your custom objects for groups and childs.// In my case, I'm using class "Group"
Group group=(Group)parent.getExpandableListAdapter().getGroup(_groupPosition);
// In my case, I'm using class "Child"
Child item=(Child)optionsList.getExpandableListAdapter().getChild(_groupPosition, _childPosition);
// In my custom Group class, I've defined a field that populates a different// TextView within the Group layout - so, getter/setter method for "selection" were defined.// The ExpandableListView will be updated automatically based on the adapter;
Not exactly sure why this happens - it seems like the ExpandableAdapter is tracking changes to the model itself... I don't have time to check the details on this.. but it works.
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