Your App Contains An Intent Redirection Vulnerability
Solution 1:
I have a same issue, actually Latest Unity Add Xiaomi SDK by default which cause this issue.
Simple remove Xiaomi from your Unity it will fix the issue.
Solution 2:
I was having the same issue "intent redirection your app(s) are vulnerable to intent redirection" and I added exported="false" in every activity, but still got rejected, then I realized the problem was in one of the payment libraries I was using, all I had to do is update the library and the new app update got live.
my issue was in RazorPay payment gateway, I updated it from 1.6.3 to 1.6.6 (latest)
implementation 'com.razorpay:checkout:1.6.6'
they already mentioned this issue here, check it out
Solution 3:
We had received a similar email, In the Play Console/Alert tab, we found this
for us, the reason is "" which come from Android Native asset[Ultimate Mobile] - Unity3D.
We used that asset for Advertisements, In-app purchase and play game services instead of using the original SDK. So the possible solution is to remove that asset from our game and use the original SDK.
Solution 4:
Solution 5:
Ihsan Ali
The problem is in the UnityChannel.aar file, you need to open it with the help of the archiver and open the AndroidManifest.XML. I in the line android:exported="true" wrote a false as indicated in the article in Google. Now publish the version and if the error will no longer be reported.
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