Phonegap Getting Sim Information Using Cordova-plugin-sim
I'm new to mobile development. I'm using PhoneGap and I want to add a feature in my app to get the phone number from the SIM card, both on iOS and Android. I'm using this plugin: c
Solution 1:
Are you testing on iOS or Android? On Android 6.0 and above you need to implement.
window.plugins.sim.requestReadPermission(successCallback, errorCallback);
Also looking at your code. In the errorCallback function, result will be undefined.
You need to change this.
functionerrorCallback(error) {
To this
functionerrorCallback(error) {
Solution 2:
I found this ::
Notice: the content of phoneNumber is unreliable (see this, this, and this article). Sometimes phoneNumber is only an empty string.
I did some changes in code but I got "undefined" message.
<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang="en"><head><metacharset="UTF-8"><title>SIM</title><scripttype="text/javascript"src="cordova.js"></script><scripttype="text/javascript">document.addEventListener("deviceready",onDeviceReady,false);
window.plugins.sim.getSimInfo(successCallback, errorCallback);
functionsuccessCallback(result) {
functionerrorCallback(error) {
SimInfo :: <pid="simInfo"></p><br />
Phone Number :: <pid="phone"></p><br />
Carrier Name :: <pid="carrierName"></p><br /></body></html>
I attached the result image please check this.
please check this. Thanks.
Solution 3:
It gets numbers saved by user as phone number of the sim. If nothing is saved, it will be empty string. I am using redmi note 3. It is there in settings->sim cards & mobile networks->sim1/2->Edit sim card number
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