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Payumoney - Android: Only Getting **paymentid** From Payumoney Sdk After Successful Payment

I'm integrating payUMoney in my Android application. I'm getting only paymentId after successful payment in both environment i.e Test & Production. I need Transaction Details a

Solution 1:

I was also facing the same problem, but after little bit of research, I have found that we need to generate invoice separately using different invoice api. You can find the bellow URL for the documentation for invoice api...

@MaulikDodia Actually you need to create success url on your own, then the payumoney will send all the data directly like this in your success url...

    [mihpayid] => 40399371551*******  
    [mode] => DC  
    [status] => success  
    [unmappedstatus] => captured  
    [key] => d****A  
    [txnid] => INV0****0531  
    [amount] => 1000.0  
    [addedon] => 2017-05-3113:16:12  
    [productinfo] => ****  
    [firstname] => ****  
    [lastname] =>   
    [address1] =>   
    [address2] =>   
    [city] => null  
    [state] =>   
    [country] => null  
    [zipcode] =>       
    [email] => ***  
    [phone] =>   
    [udf1] =>   
    [udf2] =>   
    [udf3] =>   
    [udf4] =>   
    [udf5] =>   
    [udf6] =>   
    [udf7] =>   
    [udf8] =>   
    [udf9] =>   
    [udf10] =>   
    [hash] => ***************  
    [field1] => 715140****61  
    [field2] => 99***9  
    [field3] => 8523310*****511  
    [field4] => -1  
    [field5] =>   
    [field6] =>   
    [field7] =>   
    [field8] =>   
    [field9] => SUCCESS  
    [PG_TYPE] => HDFCPG  
    [encryptedPaymentId] => DB****EB8****02A****9FE4C****CB3  
    [bank_ref_num] => 8****016137****  
    [bankcode] => MAST  
    [error] => E000  
    [error_Message] => No Error  
    [name_on_card] => payu  
    [cardnum] => 512345XXXXXXXX46  
    [cardhash] => This field is no longer supported in postback params.  
    [amount_split] => {"PAYU":"1000.0"}  
    [payuMoneyId] => 1******0  
    [discount] => 0.00  
    [net_amount_debit] => 1000  

Then you can generate invoice using that on the server side or do whatever you want.

Source: I have done all the code and it is working. Hope it helps... thanks

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