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On Android How Do I Make Oddly Shaped Clipping Areas?

Here is how to create a clipping area the shape of a circle: Path path = new Path(); path.addCircle(200,200,100,Direction.CW); c.clipPath(path); // c is a Canvas Now there's a cli

Solution 1:

From the Canvasjavadoc:

Canvas#clipPath(Path path, Region.Op op) - Modify the current clip with the specified path.

So, for your donut example:

  1. Create 2 Paths. One for the larger circle, one for the smaller circle.
  2. Canvas#clipPath( Path ) with larger circle Path.
  3. Call the Canvas#clipPath( Path, Region.Op ) method on your canvas with the smaller circle Path for the first argument and the appropriate Region.Op enum value for the second argument.

    c.clipPath(largePath); // c is a Canvas
    c.clipPath(smallPath, Region.Op.DIFFERENCE);

Again, modify the Region.Op enum value to get different effects...

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