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Nullpointerexception With Proguard

I'm using Proguard with my apps and I'm getting NullPointerExceptions sent to my Developer Console for random users. When I do a ReTrace, it seems to be an issue with the AdView I

Solution 1:

I think using the following should work:

-keepattributes *Annotation*

The annotation piece may be in there already. I think the issue is that the SDK has it's own proguard, and relies on it's public classes to not be proguarded by the developer.

Solution 2:

The second proguard statement should be:

-keep** {*;}

without {*;} it doesn't work for me

Solution 3:

I spent an evening figuring out that introspection can cause a NullPointerException with proguard. In retrospect it is obvious.

For example, I had to remove the line:

Log.i(TAG, new Object(){}.getClass().getEnclosingMethod().getName());

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