Is There A Way To Monitor Threads In Androidstudio?
Solution 1:
Android Monitor tools were replaced with Android Profiler, in Android Studio 3.0:
Android Profiler - Android Studio 3.0 includes a brand new suite of tools to help debug performance problems in your app. We completely rewrote the previous set of Android Monitor tools, and replaced them with the Android Profiler. Once you deploy your app to a running device or emulator, click on the Android Profiler tab and you will now have access to a real-time & unified view of the CPU, Memory, & Network activity for your app. ...
To monitor threads, use CPU Profiler in Android Profiler.
- Click View > Tool Windows > Android Profiler (you can also click Android Profiler in the toolbar).
- Select the device and app process you want to profile from the Android Profiler toolbar. If you've connected a device over USB but don't see it listed, ensure that you have enabled USB debugging.
- Click anywhere in the CPU timeline to open the CPU Profiler.
Solution 2:
For Android 3.6.3
- click Run > Debug 'app' (or shift + F9)
- In the window that popped up click on the top right corner to enable more tabs
- Make sure that
tab is enabled: See thatThreads
tab is enabled - click on the bottom of the screen on
and click on theDebugger
tab - click on the
tab and you will see the threads
Another option:
- click Run > Profiler 'app'
- Expand window to fit full screen
- click on the
area: Click on the area where it shows CPU activity - click on to expand
: Click on threads to expand them
Solution 3:
You can monitor your threads in Android Device Monitor.
Step 1: Open Android Device Monitor like: Android Studio -> Tools -> Android -> Android Device Monitor
Step 2: Operate your App.
Step 3: Select debugged process on Devices tab and select Threads tab on the right.
You can click any thread to see its trace. And you can also click Refresh to refresh all threads' status.
Solution 4:
In debug mode: at the bottom of androidStudio, click on:
-> Debugger
-> Threads
Solution 5:
There is a Debug tab at the bottom of the screen. You can use the debugger to monitor various resources and variables of your app. If you can't find the debugger at the bottom of the screen, Select View > Tool Windows > Debug or press Alt+5. The threads tab will be in the debugger. If you still cannot find the Threads tab in the debugger, you'll find an icon that looks like a couple of boxes with a drop-menu by the top-right corner of the debugger. Inside this drop-down list, make sure Threads option is checked.
Here is a link explaining Debugging
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