How To Exlude All The Devices Which Have Low Gpu In Android Manifest?
Basically, I created a live wallpaper for Android and tried it in my Droid X, Galaxy S, and Fascinate. And I noticed that it runs smootly in Galaxy S and Fasciante but not in Droi
Solution 1:
You can exclude specific devices when submitting the app to the market. Rather do it there than in the manifest, as it's not possible to specify the required GPU in the manifest, and screen size is not necessarily an indicator of GPU power.
Solution 2:
You can add supports-screens
to the manifest, and pass in a true false valuefor each size. The below example would exclude all mobile handsets.
Id imagine a solution to narrow everything down to exactly you want would be similar to this.
<manifest... ><supports-screensandroid:smallScreens="false"android:normalScreens="false"android:largeScreens="false"android:xlargeScreens="true"android:requiresSmallestWidthDp="600" /><application... >
Other things are available as well such as Density values.
See the Support-Screen Dev Doc
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