Dynamically Include Another Layout In Fragment Activity
This is my Home.xml layout file Copy
Then you can retrieve the container in your Fragment like this:
@Overridepublic View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.home, container, false);
// Retrieve your container
flContainer = rootView.findViewById(R.id.flContainer);
b1 = (Button) rootView.findViewById(R.id.btn2);
return rootView;
And later when you want to add your layout you can add a child to the FrameLayout
like this:
If you later want to change the layout in your container you can do it like this:
Solution 2:
Use LayoutParams.
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
params.addRule(RelativeLayout.BELOW, R.id.btn2);
r1.addView(layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.test1, con , false),params);
Or put the view in your layout and toggle visibility with View.setVisibility(View.GONE/View.VISIBLE)
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