Dialing With Intent.action_call Stopps At # In Phone Number
I try to dial the phone number 03012345,1234,#31#,98765 (callthrough with a FRITZ!Box) '03012345' is the phone number of the FRITZ!Box, ',' are dial pauses, '#31#' is a prefix to s
Solution 1:
Here is the solution:
Stringphonenumber="03012345,1234,#31#,98765"; // , = pauses
encodedPhonenumber = URLEncoder.encode(phonenumber, "UTF-8");
startActivity(newIntent(Intent.ACTION_CALL, Uri.parse("tel:" + encodedPhonenumber)));
You simply have to encode the phone number.
Solution 2:
Really late on the answer, but another way that this can be done is with Uri.Builder
. Using encodedPath()
assumes that the string you're passing is already encoded, so it will be added to the Uri
as is:
startActivity(newIntent(Intent.ACTION_CALL, uri));
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