Can't Find Arm64 Ndk Native Lib Using Android Studio (1.3 Rc)
Solution 1:
Maybe you're using another library that does embed .so files for arm64-v8a? Open your APK as a zip file and look inside the lib
folder to see if that's the case.
Then, to fix your issue, you can use abiFilters
to include only .so files for the architectures you fully support:
android {
defaultConfig {
ndk {
abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86"
Solution 2:
Basically what we have to do is , put your .so files inside a folder named lib (Note: it is not libs and this is not a mistake). It should be in the same structure, it should be in the APK file.
|--|--| files.
1) So I've made a lib folder and inside it an armeabi folder where I've inserted all the needed .so files.
2) I then zipped the folder into a .zip (the structure inside the zip file is now lib/armeabi/*.so).
3) Then, I renamed the .zip file into armeabi.jar.
4) And, added the line compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar') into dependencies {} in the gradle's build file.
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