Build Vp8 On Android
Solution 1:
From;a=blob_plain;f=JNI/README.Android with some adjustments for readability.
Create {project}/jni folder.
Get JNI bindings.
Get libvpx.
Configure libvpx for Android
./libvpx/configure --target=armv7-android-gcc --disable-examples --sdk-path={path to NDK}
MUST be absolute.Get libwebm.
cd bindings/JNI
Get libogg.
Download ogg code from
Extract to bindings/JNI.
We need to run configure to generate config_types.h.
cd libogg-1.3.0 && ./configure && cd ..
Get libvorbis
Download vorbis code from
Extract to bindings/JNI.
Get libyuv
svn checkout libyuv-read-only
Create {project}/jni/ with the data below:
APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a APP_OPTIM := release APP_STL := gnustl_static APP_CPPFLAGS := -frtti
Create {project}/jni/ with the data below:
WORKING_DIR := $(call my-dir) BINDINGS_DIR := $(WORKING_DIR)/bindings/JNI include$(BINDINGS_DIR)/
Build the JNI code.
{path to NDK}/ndk-build
Copy the java code.
cp -R bindings/JNI/com/google ../src/com/
Add code to test the bindings.
int[] major = newint[2]; int[] minor = newint[2]; int[] build = newint[2]; int[] revision = newint[2]; MkvMuxer.getVersion(major, minor, build, revision); String outStr = "libwebm:" + Integer.toString(major[0]) + "." + Integer.toString(minor[0]) + "." + Integer.toString(build[0]) + "." + Integer.toString(revision[0]); System.out.println(outStr);
Run the app. You should see libwebm version output.
Tweak as needed. VP8 wrappers are in the namespace.
Solution 2:
This can sometimes be a problem with the SONAME in a shared library, have a look at this article.
You could disable pthreads if you don't really need them.
Iv'e had problems with .so files in the past and have avoided all of these problems by using .a static libraries instead of .so shared libraries
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