Appcelerator Titanium: Facebook Image Upload Fail
Solution 1:
Looks like you're using the 'old' Facebook module for Appcelerator? I have image uploads working for Profiles and Pages (although Pages is a bit different, I'll explain later). Here's some quick code (I assume you already authenticated with Facebook):
var fb = require('facebook');
fb.appid = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
var acc = fb.getAccessToken();
fb.requestWithGraphPath('me/photos?access_token='+ acc, {picture:image, message: data}, "POST", showRequestResult);
The image variable is just a blob - It comes directly from from a gallery selection or camera intent. data is the text for your status update.
In your tiapp.xml add these lines:
and (if you're using Android and iOS - add both or just the platform you're using)
Now Pages were a bit strange:
var endPoint = '' + pid + '/photos?access_token='+ acc;'POST',endPoint);
message: data,
picture: image
You have to use an HTTP Request, as I couldn't get the requestWithGraphPath() to work with pages no matter what I tried.
pid is your page ID and you can get it, or a list of pages you are an admin for like so (again, create a new HTTP Request (xhr) and use this):"GET","{access_token,global_brand_page_name,id,picture}&access_token=" +fb.getAccessToken());
This will return the access token for each page, the global brand name (basically a clean version of the page name), it's id and the profile picture. The access token in this URL is YOUR personal access token (the &access_token= part).
As far as I can tell, these access tokens don't expire for pages, so you can save it in your app somewhere or if you REALLY want to be safe, you could grab a token before each post, but that's a bit much.
If you want to do video posts to pages:
var xhr = Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient();
var endPoint = ''+ pid +'/videos?access_token='+ acc;'POST',endPoint);
xhr.setRequestHeader("enctype", "multipart/form-data");
xhr.send({source:video, description:data});
and for profiles:
var acc = fb.getAccessToken();
var xhr = Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient();
var endPoint = ''+ acc;'POST',endPoint);
xhr.setRequestHeader("enctype", "multipart/form-data");
xhr.send({source:video, description:data});
video is another blob from either your camera or gallery intent and data is the text you want to use for the status update.
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