Android Sdk - Java Not Found
Solution 1:
Install the x86 version, not the 64 bit version.
Solution 2:
Android requires Java 1.5 or 1.6.
I haven't tested this, but I have seen posts about Android working with 1.7 as long as you also have 1.6 installed. Although this requires having two versions of java installed, and I am not sure it's worth it.
Solution 3:
maybe you are using JRE, not JDK. You can check which java you are using with: where java
Solution 4:
I just set a Environment Variable named JAVA_HOME with the value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_05\ The problem is solved and sdk works properly.
Solution 5:
Well, I was facing the same problem, I found that the error might be a resolved by doing the following.
- Download Android SDK, try to install, you get a java error (if you don't have it)
- Typically you go download java, install and hit retry - but fail.
- Adding JAVA_HOME didn't help, so I rebooted the pc and tried again.
- Success, I don't know if it's the reboot after installing JAVA, or reboot after adding JAVA_HOME that solved the problem. One of them did the trick.
My recommendation is : 1. Install JAVA (in my case 1.7 x64), reboot. 2. Install android sdk, if it fails, add JAVA_HOME as explained above somewhere, reboot. 3. Install the sdk.
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