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Android Listview With Toggle Button

I'm having a problem when my ListView has more itens that can appear on the screen; in other words, when it gets scroll. The problem is, when I click in one of the toggle buttons,

Solution 1:

Your issue is due to the recycling of Views in ListView (and RecyclerView) The following happens to you:

  1. You set visibility of an ImageView in one row to invisible with your ToggleButton
  2. Your row gets scrolled out of sight and therefore gets recycled.
  3. The recycled view still has an ImageView with visilibility set to View.INVISIBLE
  4. You assign your new values to the row but don't change the visibility

To solve this you should have a List, HashMap or anything similar and track which ToggleButton is checked and which ImageView is visible. (You can do that with the position)

Then in your public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) method you check if this posision's (rows) image should be visible or not and set it accordingly with viewHolder.btnCam.setVisibility() and the ToggleButton as well.


Add this member variable to your adapter HashMap<Integer,Boolean> toggleButtonStateTracker = new HashMap<>;

In your getView add this

if (! toggleButtonStateTracker.containsKey(position)){
  // Now the HashMap definitely contains the key

boolean isChecked = toggleButtonStateTracker.get(position);
if (isChecked){
  // if your toggle Button is checked, the btnCam should be invisible 
} else {

And finally add this tgIrregular

viewHolder.tgIrregular.setOnCheckedChangedListener(newCompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {
  @OverridepublicvoidonCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) {
    toggleButtonStateTracker.put(getAdapterPosition, isChecked);

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