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Android Implement Ontouchlistener On Path Objects

I have created a path objects as shown below which draws a different shapes.Different buttons response to drawing different shapes on the canvas. I would like to shift the path obj

Solution 1:

There is no onTouchListener on path object.However, Follow the steps to achive this functionality

1.) override onTouchEvent() method to Find the coordinates you have touched. This link may help.

2.) create a RectF boundsRect and for each path object store its boundary coordinates by using


method and simultaneously check whether the touch coordinates lie in the rectF boundsRect(using bounds.contains(x,y)) in a loop in the above method.

3.)select that path and do desired operation on it now.

Edited Code

public boolean onTouch(View v,MotionEvent event){

        case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:

            //screen touch get x of the touch event
            x = event.getX();
            //screen touch get y of the touch event
            y = event.getY();

            //check if touch point intersects the path boundsfor (Path p : paths) {
                RectF pBounds = new RectF();
                //select path
                selected Path = p;// where selectedPath is assumed declared.break;


        case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
            //screen touch get x of the touch event
            x = event.getX();
            //screen touch get y of the touch event
            y = event.getY();

        case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
            //screen touch get x of the touch event
            x = event.getX();
            //screen touch get y of the touch event
            y = event.getY();

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