Android: How To Get Facebook User Image Using Access_token
Solution 1:
Finally, after a long search, i got the way to access login user's image by using only access_token<your_access_token_here>
thanks to @Jess for your valuable answer!
Solution 2:
You don't need an access token to retrieve a user's profile image. Just issue a http GET request on, so for example: gets you user id 4's picture, no access token needed.
To fetch the picture without knowing their fb id but with their access token, just execute a GET request on /me?fields=name,picture
and you will receive a response with the URL to their profile picture.
See Graph API Tool example:
Solution 3:
So after messing around with the facebook graph apis for a bit, I have found that you can get the profile pic in two ways:
Use this as the profile pic url by substituting the user id:
Using the access token:
Hope this is helpful.
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