Android - Fonts In Application
I have added an external font in /assets directory, and manually doing setFacetype(font). Isn't there a general way to set the whole application to use a specific font if you have
Solution 1:
You cannot use your custom fonts through to whole application in a general way.
You cannot set your custom fonts through xml files.
You have to use the Typeface
functions in your code to use your custom fonts within your application.
Solution 2:
Typefacefont= Typeface.createFromAsset(this.getAssets(), "MYFONT.TTF");
This also how to use it in a textview.
For whole application go to Using a custom typeface in Android.
and go to Manish Singla answer
Solution 3:
TypefacemTypeface= Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "YOUR FONT NAME");
textview.setTypeface(mTypeface, Typeface.NORMAL);
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