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Android Custom Brush Pattern/image

I have an 8x8 Image. (bitmap - can be changed) What I want to do is be able to draw a shape, given a Path and Paint object onto my SurfaceView. At the moment all I can do is fill t

Solution 1:

Did you checked this blog. Its using BitmapShader


//Initialize the bitmap object by loading an image from the resources folder  
    fillBMP = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(m_context.getResources(), R.drawable.cross);  
    //Initialize the BitmapShader with the Bitmap object and set the texture tile mode  
    fillBMPshader = new BitmapShader(fillBMP, Shader.TileMode.REPEAT, Shader.TileMode.REPEAT);  

    //Assign the 'fillBMPshader' to this paint  

    //Draw the fill of any shape you want, using the paint object.
    canvas.drawCircle(posX, posY, 100, fillPaint);

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