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Android - Capture Video With Watermark

I know how to capture video on android device, but i would like to capture video and add some other information on it e.g. some funny timeclock and save it all to file so the perso

Solution 1:

I was being asked this question a short time ago, and as a backup we came up with some sort of backup plan: send your stuff to a server and let that (using ffmpeg?) do the watermark, save the file, and send a link back to the phone.. Maybe that's a route to take?

edit: There seems to be an android port possible for FFMPEG. see for instance this link:

I haven't had the time to compile it myself, but it seems you can either use the normal FFMPEG and the NDK, or use this version to compile for android. It's a bit more work, but looks do-able.

Solution 2:

I actually don't think that's possible. You can fetch video frames from a camera preview, but there's no good way to encode them to video. The standard video encoder (MediaRecorder) can only record the actual direct camera input into a video file.

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