Android: 9-patch Repeat Pattern Instead Of Stretching
Solution 1:
I think it's not possible using 9-Patch to make repeated patterns (only stretching certain area), perhaps you could find more about it in official documentation
Solution 2:
Correction: If you want the orange dots to repeat, you will not succeed using 9 patch. 9 patch can only stretch the part you told it to stretch and leave untouched, the remaining areas. There is no repeat mode with 9 patch PNG.
You might want to look into Bitmap class. There is a tileMode you might be able to use for your problem here.
Solution 3:
First make sure you save your 9 patch image as your_image_name.9.png and store it in the res/drawable folder. Then in your xml just set the layout background with-- android:background="@drawable/your_image_name" and that should work. If it's still not working can you post your layout xml?
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