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Adding Folder In Internal Storage In Public?

am create the Excel file to store it in Internal storage,but am not able to do.It Create only inside the app storage directory.Not to visible in public.How to create folder and sto

Solution 1:

you have to choose the right path where to store the files. There are multiple options

Internal storage

  • internal to app (not accessible for end users from outside)
  • cache directory (it can be cleared if system is running out of space)

External Storage (verify if it is available and use it) Although it is public there are 2 types

  • public
  • private (technically accessible by the user and other apps because they are on the external storage, they are files that realistically don't provide value to the user outside your app. )

each path location can be accessed with different API provided by android. see

Solution 2:

What you mean by visible to public? Access by other applications? If that is the case, using: getExternalFilesDir() instead

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