Uploaded Apk To Play Store, Got 0 Supported Devices But No Error
Solution 1:
I've got the same issue. The problem was in uses-feature. In my manifest.xml I have
<uses-featureandroid:name="android.hardware.camera"android:required="true" /><uses-featureandroid:name="android.hardware.camera2"android:required="true" />
The solution was to change to
<uses-featureandroid:name="android.hardware.camera"android:required="true" />
Since I've marked both camera and camera2 as required and no devices have both of them I was having 0 supported devices.
Solution 2:
Finally it was a dependency compile 'com.lambdaworks:scrypt:1.4.0'
that was causing the issue.
If you stumble upon this issue, check if in the APK DETAILS dialog in Google Play if you have:
Native platforms x86_64
This was, I think, the problem because when I removed the dependency, the x86_64 part was removed and got 6814 supported devices.
The root of the problem was that the dependency had native precompiled .so libraries but none for Android. I had to recompile with NDK from source for the platforms: armeabi-v7a and armeabi
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