Jackson Parser: Ignore Deserializing For Type Mismatch
Solution 1:
Since, I had to handle response like this for many objects I finally went ahead with creating a generic class which would return a Deserializer
for a specific class
Here is what I used
publicclassDeserializer<T> {
public JsonDeserializer<T> getDeserializer(final Class<T> cls) {
returnnewJsonDeserializer<T> (){
@Overridepublic T deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext arg1)throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
JsonNodenode= jp.readValueAsTree();
if (node.isObject()) {
returnnewObjectMapper().convertValue(node, cls);
Solution 2:
I think it makes sense to separate it, if types are incompatible.
The other option would have been to use a common super-type, which would mean java.lang.Object
, and you would get either List
(for JSON array) or Map
(for JSON Object). But would need to do post-processing to bind into concrete types.
Solution 3:
What I found the easiest solution to this problem was adding the feature:
DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT_EMPTY_ARRAY_AS_NULL_OBJECT, true
to my objectmapper. Jackson does the rest for you. See https://fasterxml.github.io/jackson-databind/javadoc/2.6/com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/DeserializationFeature.html.
This answer gives an in depth explanation: https://stackoverflow.com/a/22956168/9279756
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