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How Do I Get The Cursor Value Of A Listview's Item Onitemclick?

I've created a database with tables (categories) with columns (_id, title etc). I want to read these categories' data from my database and list them in a ListView. Here is my code:

Solution 1:

Use CursorAdapter( instead, when you are using ArrayAdapter it's exceed memory allocation, and also you wouldn't get notifications if db changed.

Moreover in case of using CursorAdapter you will have

publicvoidonItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View v, finalint position, long id)

the "id" param will concur with table's _id field

to get the whole row just do

adapter.getItem(int position)

Solution 2:

Instead of

int cat_id = cur.getInt(cur.getColumnIndex("_id"));
String cattitle = cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex("title"));
int has_sub = cur.getInt(cur.getColumnIndex("has_sub"));
results.add(cat_id + cattitle + has_sub);

create a Category class to contain these values, and use a parameterized ArrayList. Something like

classCategory {
    publicint cat_id;
    public String cattitle;
    publicint has_sub;

    publicCategory(int cat_id, ...){
        // constructor logic here


results.add(new Category(cat_id, cattitle, has_sub));

With this, you can set the onItemClickListener as such:

        catlist.setOnItemClickListener(newOnItemClickListener() {

           @OverridepublicvoidonItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View v,
             finalint position, long id) {
                 CategoryclickedCategory= results.get(position);
                 intid= clickedCategory.cat_id;

                 // do something with id

Your ArrayList is the data source of your ArrayAdapter, and position corresponds to the index of the clicked Category in it.

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