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How Can I Create A Code If I Need To Delete Some Record Using In Parameter In Android?

Normally I can use the following code to delete a recod. SQLiteDatabase db = openOrCreateDatabase('test.db', Context.MODE_PRIVATE, null); db.execSQL('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS person'

Solution 1:

public int delete (String table, String whereClause, String[] whereArgs)

delete method description is quite clear. If you want to delete a row of the given id then it should be something like this:

db.delete("person", "id="+String.valueOf(int_id_to_delete), null);

Futher, if you want to delete multiple rows at once use the following:

 db.delete("person", "id"+"=?", new String[]{"6","4"});

Solution 2:

You can use the following code or can execute a raw query as android permits.

db.delete("person", "id"+ "=?", new String[] {"4","6"});

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