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Error "validate_display:255 Error 3008 (egl_bad_display)" By Toutorial

I'm new to javascript and android and I want to program a multi page app with SAPUI5. For this I found a tutorial:

Solution 1:

Not related to sapui

Don't know whether it will help others or not.

I've got this error when I was trying to open a pdf file in webview by using google docs.

I've changed



webView.loadUrl("" + url);

and it worked.

Solution 2:

The last error seems to occur because the file /android_asset/i18n/ is either not there or maybe locked?

Maybe you misspelled it?

The EGL_BAD_DISPLAY error could have something to do with the DPI. Maybe this link helps:

Solution 3:

I had the same issue when I tried to load webview on Dialog. If I load webview on activity, it works well.

Solution 4:

I had the same problem, some time pdf load or some time not. try this solved my problem.

publicvoidonPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
    super.onPageFinished(view, url);
    if(view.getContentHeight() == 0){
    } else {


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