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Duplicate Value For Resource 'attr/layout_anchorgravity' With Config ''

Android resource compilation failed Output: H:\OzelDersim\app\build\intermediates\incremental\mergeDebugResources\merged.dir\values\values.xml:1019: error: duplicate value for res

Solution 1:

In the module build.gradle (app), add support:design in dependencies:

implementation ''

Replace the version with the one used in your module and don't forget to Sync. To check the latest version or for more information.

Solution 2:

In your module build.gradle file check for a line

implementation ''

remove it and rebuild.

I encountered the same error today after adding the default "SettingsActivity" files. The wizard inserted this line in the build.gradle file, causing the error.

Hint: use a version control system, it helps to discover such subtle errors easily.

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