Cannot Debug App When Using Wrapper Script
I have activated address sanitizer for my app's native codes in order to detect some memory leak. But I have a strange problem. Before activating address sanitizer, app just runs n
Solution 1:
Finally with help of people in my bug's thread, I were able to create a working wrapper script for android 27+. I'm almost sure you cannot find any other working wrapper script in internet right now and this is the only working one.
Here is full script:
if [ "$sdkversion" -gt "28" ]; then
fullpath="$processname -XjdwpProvider:adbconnection $@"elif [ "$sdkversion" -eq "28" ]; then
fullpath="$processname -XjdwpProvider:adbconnection -XjdwpOptions:suspend=n,server=y -Xcompiler-option --debuggable $@"elif [ "$sdkversion" -eq "27" ]; then
fullpath="$processname -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_android_adb,suspend=n,server=y -Xcompiler-option --debuggable -Xcompiler-option --generate-mini-debug-info $@"elselog -p e -t "WRAPPER""Wrapper script only works starting API level 27!"exit 1
For using with ASAN, just add your required ASAN configs(e.g. LD_PRELOAD
) at start of wrapper script. So it will become somethign like this:
HERE="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)"export ASAN_OPTIONS=log_to_syslog=false,allow_user_segv_handler=1
export LD_PRELOAD=$HERE/libclang_rt.asan-${arch}
if [ "$sdkversion" -gt "28" ]; then
fullpath="$processname -XjdwpProvider:adbconnection $@"elif [ "$sdkversion" -eq "28" ]; then
fullpath="$processname -XjdwpProvider:adbconnection -XjdwpOptions:suspend=n,server=y -Xcompiler-option --debuggable $@"elif [ "$sdkversion" -eq "27" ]; then
fullpath="$processname -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_android_adb,suspend=n,server=y -Xcompiler-option --debuggable -Xcompiler-option --generate-mini-debug-info $@"elselog -p e -t "WRAPPER""Wrapper script only works starting API level 27!"exit 1
I wish this script will be useful for everyone.
Update: Google updated page in NDK based on this thread. You can see final wrapper script there too.
Best Regards
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