Camera Previewview Is Stretched In Some Android Devices
I'm playing with the API2 Camera of Google and I'm having some problems with my code. I had two different CameraSessions, one for video and another one for images. To do it more ef
Solution 1:
I had a default values for the BufferSize of my texture, which just are restarted when I inicializated a new Session or after change the after ratio. But the Width and Height values for the texture were not updated with the ratio, so it becomes streched again and again.
I solved it changing my defaultbufferSize with the PreviewSizes which I update always that i change the ratio.
publicvoidcreateCameraPreviewSession(Size previewsize, Surface recordingSurface) {
try {
if (mCaptureSession != null) {
mCaptureSession = null;
SurfaceTexturetexture= mTextureView.getSurfaceTexture();
assert texture != null;
List<Surface> surfaces = newArrayList<Surface>();
// We configure the size of default buffer to be the size of camera preview we want.
// This is the output Surface we need to start preview.Surfacesurface=newSurface(texture);
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