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Application Update Fails - Inconsistent Certificates (..but Not Really)

I have already published 5 updates for my application without any problems. Now, when trying to install an update for testing purposes the installation fails. Through the regular

Solution 1:

I think you need double confirm whether you use the same certificate or not since we ran into the same scenarios many many times and the root causes are always the same: the certificate changes.

you could simply unzip the .apk file since it is just a regular ZIP package and then locate the file META-INF/CERT.RSA. the CERT.RSA should NOT be changed in all your .APK files. to confirm, decrpt it as following:

openssl pkcs7 -inform des -in CERT.RSA -out decrypted.txt -print_certs -text

and you could simply run diff on the .txt files.

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