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Android_asset Not Working On Honeycomb?

I have a shipping Android application that displays occasional static webpages that are included in the assets folder. I have been displaying these programmatically like: webView

Solution 1:

Try removing the space. This project and this project both work fine on my XOOM.

Solution 2:

For me the problem was that I compiled with maven. With maven your assets should go into src/main/resources/assets and I had them in src/main/resources — which apparently is wrong.

It seems that Honeycomb stricter about this. If you don't use Maven then make a listing of the files in your apk file (it is just as zip file) and check that your assets correcty inside the asset directory:

7zltarget/*.jar7-Zip [64] 9.20Copyright(c)1999-2010IgorPavlov2010-11-18p7zipVersion9.20(locale=utf8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,8CPUs)Listing archive:target/HP45-Droid-5.0.0.jar--Path=target/HP45-Droid-5.0.0.jarType=zipPhysicalSize=465392DateTimeAttrSizeCompressedName------------------------------------------------------------------------2012-01-01 19:07:10 D....00META-INF2012-01-01 19:07:08.....125102META-INF/MANIFEST.MF2012-01-01 19:07:06 D....00assets2012-01-01 19:07:06.....9369293629assets/45bk.jpg2012-01-01 19:07:06.....3467         1408  assets/help.html

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