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Android Sqlite Database Table Not Being Created

I'm following along in an Android for beginner's book and am trying to make a mini app to learn about using SQLite databases. I've built a DataManager class which creates a databas

Solution 1:

Use proper spacing before "text" like follows :

StringnewTableQueryString="create table "
                    + TABLE_N_AND_A + " ("
                    + TABLE_ROW_ID
                    + " integer primary key autoincrement not null,"
                    + TABLE_ROW_NAME
                    + " text not null,"
                    + TABLE_ROW_AGE
                    + " text not null);";

Solution 2:

privatestaticfinalStringCREATE_DATABASE="create table " + DB_TABLE + " ("+ COLORNAME + " text not null);";

private SQLiteHelper sqLiteHelper;
private SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase;

private Context context;

publicSQLiteAdapter(Context c){
    context = c;

public SQLiteAdapter openToRead()throws android.database.SQLException {
    sqLiteHelper = newSQLiteHelper(context, DB_NAME, null, VERSION);
    sqLiteDatabase = sqLiteHelper.getReadableDatabase();

public SQLiteAdapter openToWrite()throws android.database.SQLException {
    sqLiteHelper = newSQLiteHelper(context, DB_NAME, null, VERSION);
    sqLiteDatabase = sqLiteHelper.getWritableDatabase();


publiclonginsert(String content){

    contentValues.put(COLORNAME, content);
    return sqLiteDatabase.insert(DB_TABLE, null, contentValues);

    return sqLiteDatabase.delete(DB_TABLE, null, null);

public String queueAll(){
    String[] colors = newString[]{COLORNAME};

    Cursorcursor= sqLiteDatabase.query(DB_TABLE, colors,
            null, null, null, null, null);

    intindex_CONTENT= cursor.getColumnIndex(COLORNAME);
    for(cursor.moveToFirst(); !(cursor.isAfterLast()); cursor.moveToNext()){
        result = result + cursor.getString(index_CONTENT) + "\n";

    return result;

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