Android Runonuithread/asynctask Cannot Resolve Calledfromwrongthreadexception
Solution 1:
I don't see anything wrong with MyAsyncTask
itself, but there are still other things that can go wrong.
Starting the AsyncTask
From the Android Docs
Threading rules
There are a few threading rules that must be followed for this class to work properly:
- The AsyncTask class must be loaded on the UI thread. This is done automatically as of JELLY_BEAN.
- The task instance must be created on the UI thread.
- execute(Params...) must be invoked on the UI thread.
- Do not call onPreExecute(), onPostExecute(Result), doInBackground(Params...), onProgressUpdate(Progress...) manually.
- The task can be executed only once (an exception will be thrown if a second execution is attempted.)
You don't show where you normally instantiate, and execute the task, so make sure that you do this in code that's already on the UI/main thread. Note that the first bullet point above might explain why this works for you on some devices, and not on others.
Creating the View Hierarchy
The message tells you
Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.
and you're assuming that this is because your async task is (strangely) trying to modify the UI on a background thread. However, it is possible that you get this error because the async task modifies the UI on the main thread, but the UI (ProgressBar
) was not created correctly in the first place.
See this question for an example of how you can erroneously create the view on the wrong thread (anything other than the main thread), and get this same error.
I would, however, like to see exactly where you are logging the thread ID, and what value(s) you're getting. If you check out my first two suggestions, and they don't solve your problem, then we may need more information.
You also mention a Handler (?), but don't show how or where you use that. Normally, using AsyncTask
removes the need to use Handler
, so I'm a little worried about how you might be using that.
Per the discussion in comments below, it looks like the issue here is the one discussed in this question. Some code, probably running on a background thread, is first to cause the AsyncTask
class to be loaded. The original (pre-Jelly Bean) implementation of AsyncTask
required class loading to occur on the main thread (as mentioned in the Threading Rules above). The simple workaround is to add code on the main thread (e.g. in Application#onCreate()
) that forces early, deterministic class loading of AsyncTask
Solution 2:
Make sure you are invoking aysnctask.execute() from the main thread only.
Solution 3:
Write a handler in UI thread and call the handler from onPostExecute. It will solve the problem.
Something like this. Have a handler in UI thread (main thread):
handler = newHandler(){
@OverridepublicvoidhandleMessage(Message msg) {
//run on UI Thread
and call in onPostExecute() like this:
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