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Why Is My Activity Restarting Automatically?

I am beginner in android app development. Recently, started to develop a chat app. I achieved basic functionality of client server message exchange. I am facing an issue that andro

Solution 1:

Automatic restarting of activities is expected under many circumstances, including rotation, screen size changes, locale changes, etc. You can override this behavior in the manifest.

Its a crappy way of doing things, but we're stuck with it.

Solution 2:

Yes there is a problem with emulator for Lollipop in android studio 1.0 and Ubuntu 14.04. It was giving following error:

12-2115:47:02.5121900-1916/ W/EGL_emulation﹕ eglSurfaceAttrib not implemented
12-2115:47:02.5121900-1916/ W/OpenGLRenderer﹕ Failed toset EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR on surface 0xa6da4140, error=EGL_SUCCESS

Because of this onCreate() was getting called twice in this case.

I switched to KitKat emulator and it is fine now.

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