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To Check Or Not To Check "islibrary"?

I built my app using a library project (that I also created, to be reused in other apps). It builds fine, but when I try to install & run it through Eclipse (Ctrl+F11), I get t

Solution 1:

I recall encountering a problem similar to yours that drove me nuts. I also thought that unchecking the projects Is Library checkbox would solve the problem but in actuality it didn't.

After lots of lost hours I then found the culprit: An extra, redundant, wicked and totally misleading and destructive line in the project's .classpath:

<classpathentry kind="src"path="/RogueProjLib"/>

(I had no idea how it snuck in)

Once I removed it, the the "Could not find RogueProjLib.apk!" went away and project installed and ran fine, with the Is Library checkbox checked!

Based on that, I would answer your questions as follows:

  1. Your other library projects aren't probably in that .classpath... Yes, do check Is Library.
  2. Question irrelevant because it should be checked. The answer from 2 years ago is no longer relevant with the latest Eclipse/ADT bundle.
  3. Yes, it is a red herring: Instead of telling you "there is a weird line in my .classpath with which I don't know what to do", it just emits that cryptic "Could not find APK" message.

Hope this helps.

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