Problems Using Unirest In Android Studio
Solution 1:
I know it has been a while since you asked that question. I think Android overwrites common classes located in org.apache.http. You can not overwrite them by yourself. Try to relocate the downloaded packages to another location such as to use them properly.
Google Android 1.0 was released with a pre-BETA snapshot of Apache HttpClient. To coincide with the first Android release Apache HttpClient 4.0 APIs had to be frozen prematurely, while many of interfaces and internal structures were still not fully worked out. As Apache HttpClient 4.0 was maturing the project was expecting Google to incorporate the latest code improvements into their code tree. Unfortunately it did not happen. Version of Apache HttpClient shipped with Android has effectively become a fork. Eventually Google decided to discontinue further development of their fork while refusing to upgrade to the stock version of Apache HttpClient citing compatibility concerns as a reason for such decision. As a result those Android developers who would like to continue using Apache HttpClient APIs on Android cannot take advantage of newer features, performance improvements and bug fixes.
If you continue reading you will find the following:
Some of the implementation classes had to be copied (or shaded) with different names in order to avoid conflicts with the older versions of the same classes included in the Android runtime. One can increase compatibility of with the stock version of HttpClient by avoiding 'org.apache.http.**.*HC4' classes.
dependencies {
compile group: 'org.apache.httpcomponents' , name: 'httpclient-android' , version: ''
to include the httpcomponents.
You may have to use the shadowJar plugin to relocate your dependencies if you don't want to relocate them manually.
I found this awesome tutorial which worked out for me. Even thought I would recommend to use AndroidAsync or Volley to build up connections to a webserver.
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