My App Does Not Appear In The Android Market Of My Samsung Galaxy S Phone
Solution 1:
After many trials I have managed to figure out what was the problem: I had a raw directory among resources. This contains - among others - three files like "bestfixarray_compressedbin.jet". If these files are small in size (a few kB) the application is shown as "compatible" with my device on the market (both when browsed with the PC on the web and on the phone's app). In the reality these files are in total 31MB. When I include these files into the package and upload the app to the market, at the end the market filters the app out. Please note that when I check the "Supported Device" on the "Product details" tab, my phone is still shown as "compatible" :)
Don't put too big files into the res/raw directory! As a result the market will not show your app to many devices.
Solution 2:
In the Android Market Developper Console, select your application details, and if you scroll down the options, in the Tab where you select target countries and so on, you've got an option listing all compatible devices, start there to check if yours has been filtered out and why.
Check this link
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