Instant Run Throw Dexindexoverflowexception
Solution 1:
Instant Run pushes updated code and resources to your connected device or emulator by performing a hot swap, warm swap, or cold swap. It automatically determines the type of swap to perform based on the type of change you made.
Solution 2:
Instead of building a new APK, it pushes just those new changes and, in some cases, the app doesn't even need to restart but immediately shows the effect of those code changes.
Instant Run pushes updated code and resources to your connected device or emulator by performing a hot swap, warm swap, or cold swap.
Solution 3:
It enables fast development by not requiring a full build and redeployment of the apk every time you make a change to your app's code. It pushes only the changes made and makes them available instantly.
There are three types of swaps - HOT, WARM and COLD. (In increasing order of time taken to reflect changes)
HOT SWAPS are triggered when
Change implementation code of an existing instance method or static method
WARM SWAPS are triggered when
Change or remove an existing resource
COLD SWAPS are triggered when
Structural code changes
To understand the exact behavior and different scenarios refer the official documentation
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