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Illegalargumentexception: Unknown Url Content:// Content

IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URL content:// ^ Having a nightmare with the above. I've checked my variables and paths but can't see what the issue is? Greatly appreciate any po

Solution 1:

First, move <provider> to be a child of <application>, not <activity>.

Second, change android:exported="true" to android:exported="false", until such time as you secure your ContentProvider. As it stands, once you fix the <provider> element location as noted above, any app can read and write anything in your provider, which is unlikely to be what the user wants.

Solution 2:

I have added package name in authorities.that's why I got this issue.I have to add Provider name in authorities.

<providerandroid:name="LoginContentProvider"android:authorities=""android:exported="false" />

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