How To Represent Nested Data In Firebase Class
Taken from the Firebase example, if I have a Dinosaurs facts data structure like this: { 'lambeosaurus': { 'name': 'lamby', 'work': 'eat', 'dimensions': { 'heig
Solution 1:
The JavaBean class to represent this structure is:
publicstaticclassDinosaurFacts {
String name;
String work;
Dimensions dimensions;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getWork() {
return work;
public Dimensions getDimensions() {
return dimensions;
publicclassDimensions {
double height;
long weight;
double length;
publicdoublegetHeight() {
return height;
publiclonggetWeight() {
return weight;
publicdoublegetLength() {
return length;
Then you can read a dino with:
DinosaurFacts dino = dinoSnapshot.getValue(DinosaurFacts.class);
And access the dimensions with for example:
Solution 2:
I followed Frank's answer but I got an error that says:
subclass needs an empty constructor
even though I had one.
Answer :
Create a new (outer) class for it.
Here is my example:
1st Class:
privateString name;
private Place place;
Sub Class:
privateString name;
private Location location;
Sub of Sub Class:
privateString city;
privateDouble longitude, latitude;
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