How To Import An Android Library Project Created On Android Studio Into Existing Eclipse Android App Project, As Library?
What I want to do is to add this GitHub - Custom-Calendar-View Android Library Project created on Android Studio. I read a lot of questions and answers about, on SO, but none fits
Solution 1:
You can simply compile the library into a jar file and then import in Eclipse. By Default Gradle provides building a jar from source code. See the example,
// Include dependent libraries in archive.
mainClassName = ""
jar {
manifest {
attributes "Main-Class": "$mainClassName"
from {
configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }
You can check other solutions for building a jar with dependencies using Gradle here!
Solution 2:
This is my small suggestion you can use the below link and this is the Calendar Control developed using eclipse. If possible you can use this one.
This has the swipe gesture feature as well.
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